Presentation of market research results
A system for the collection, sale, analysis and presentation of market research results. The data obtained by means of the CATI, CAWI or CAPI systems are placed in a central database. The end recipient receives selected data (in accordance with the subscription) and a convenient tool for a multivariate analysis.
CATI system
The goal of the system is to support telephone interviews at a call center in accordance with definable scenarios of interviews (single-choice questions, multiple-choice question, open questions, conditions, logical operations, masking, balancing, order randomizing and control of stratification).
Production and sale phonographic registry
A system to enable phonographic producers to collect and analyze the information about the production and sale of music in Poland. This information is basically used for checks and statistics, but also for the development of television and radio hit charts.
Economic information registry
The system allows the collection of economic information from across the country from various sources (press reviews, the internet, tender bulletins, information provided directly by companies). The collected data is sold to end users as subscription.